Monday, January 31, 2011


The title reflects my opinions of this lecture test. Disregard.

Sewards Folly: Purchase of Alaska-$7.2 million-"meant we would eventually claim Canada" LOL

Ateutian Islands: Obtained with the aforementioned purchase...they are islands.

Reprocity Treaty of 1875: gave US free access to market of sugar grown in Hawaii-in return, US gained land (Pearl Harbor)

Pago Pago: US port in America Samoa

The Large Policy: A political philosophy to expand in order to gain territory and trade with the East, and to spread the US's influence. Added ports for US ships abroad.

Reasons for keeping the Philippines:
1. Giving them back to Spain would be "cowardly and dishonorable"
2. Protecting them from imperialistic countries could expand the US markets

Tydings McDuffie: Miller Tydings and John McDuffie authored the Act. It was not accepted by the Philippines because of the threat of Japanese invasion during WWII

Puerto Rico: Ceded to the US in the Treaty of Paris-1898

Russo-Japanese War: Fought over expansion into Manchuria, Japan dominated Russia

Treaty of Porsmouth: Treaty created by TR that ended the Russo-Japanese War

Sites for canal: Nicaragua and Panama

Hay-Herran Treaty: 10 million down, 99 year lease, 1/4 a million a year all to Panama for the use of the isthmus of land to be the canal

USS Nashville: Captured Spanish ships in the Spanish-American War off the coast of Cuba-also did service in Manila Bay

USS Oregon: Sailed around South America in order to aide the Spanish-American War

Veracruz Landing: The siege of Veracruz was the 1st US large-scale amphibious assault during the Mexican-American War

Monroe Doctrine: Tool used by US to keep Europe out of the Western Hempisphere

Admiral Dewey: Known for the Battle of Manila Bay

Imperialism: Espansion of a country of state's ideas by means of domination

White Man's Burden: Rudyard Kipling quote referring to the "white man's" responsibility to spread democracy...influence...culture

Alfred T Mahan: "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History"

Jingoism: Isolationist foreign policy

New York World/Journal: Hearst and Pulitzer, Yellow Journalism, "started" Spanish-American War

USS Maine: Battleship in Havana Harbor during Cuban revolt...was either sabotaged or sank

Teller Amendment: States that the US would not interfere with Cuba

Treaty of Paris (1898): Ended Spanish-American War

Platt Amendment: Gave US control of Cuba and gave them military territories (GITMO)

Rough Riders: TR's band of fighters-famous for San Juan Hill battle

Open-Door Policy: Stated that the US would recognize any colonies made in China

Boxer Rebellion: Martial arts violent revolt against outside influence in China

Roosevelt Corollary: Added to the Monroe Doctrine-stated the US would intervene on behalf of Europe in order to collect taxes

Dollar Diplomacy: Policy advocated by Taft..private investors should invest in foreign markets

Poncho Villa: Fought alongside Hueta in favor of Madeo-bandit

Aguinaldo: Philippine that fought with US against Spain

Josiah Strong: Founders of the social gospel

John Hay: Negotiated Treaty of Paris and Open Door Policy

Bunau Varilla: French engineer-Panama

Walter Reed: Identified mosquito problem in Panama

Goethals: Engineer of Panama canal

Gorgas: Fixed mosquito problem

Zapata: Leading figured in Mexican rebellion

Proctor: Senator of Vermont-went to Cuba

Pershing: Battle of San Juan Hill

Queen Lili: Queen of Hawaii

Commodore Perry: Father of Steam Navy

Taft: Selected by TR for Presidency, Dollar Diplomacy, Big Fella

In dedication to SAM.

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