Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ahh, nostalgia.

Just adding on to the previous post...

Future generations of Peckles (pronounced like speckles):

When I had the idea for this blog, and then was joined by some excellent team members, the goal was simple: Be really pretentious and get people to stop asking for my guides.

JUST was to help everyone do better. Simple.

So, we wish the same for you. You have to study. I don't care if you've never studied for anything before in your life, study for this class. It's worth it. It will result in your first college hours if you study. So study. Did I make that clear? :D

Book tests are your enemies. Not your friends. Remember that too.

Oh...and one last thing...

Nothing about AP American is more amazing, more beautiful, or more wonderful than Shelby Foote. You will see him soon. I promise. Adore him. Celebrate him. Appreciate him. All else will come to you.

Oh, and when you get to AP Euro...

(It's way cooler than this blog)

Well, if Peck doesn't retire before then...(:


To the AP American Class of 2011-2012:
This site was created as a tool for the previous AP American class to use. This blog contains several, but not all study guides for the course. I encourage you to use this site as a means to excel in the class. In addition to the guides on this site, there are many others floating among your classmates from years past. These are exclusively lecture guides, but outlines and summaries of the book chapters are also abundant elsewhere.(I will attach links of these resources.) (Be careful, sometimes chapters don't align) (The Ace the test feature is quite helpful)

Good luck this year!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

“Happy Days”/ The 50’s Lecture Test

Sidney Poitier- The first African American to win an Oscar. (Best Actor)
Benjamin Davis Jr.- The first African American general of the U.S Army.
Jackie Robinson- African American baseball player the broke the color barrier of the sport.
Brown V. Board of Education- A little girl sued to go to a white school right beside her house than to a black one across town, Earl Warren sided with her. This overturned the Plessy V Ferguson case, and said for all schools to integrate with all deliberate speed.
Earl Warren- Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, supported affirmative action, and supported the civil rights movement with his decisions in favor of the protestors.
Effects of the Infrastructure- This allowed for people to move further out of the cities, allowed for long distance travel and vacations, it improved highway safety, made getting places quicker, it gave the economy a boost, and urban sprawl.
Soil Bank- The government would give farmers money for taking their land out of production, this didn’t work as planned and production and farm surpluses still rose.
Orval Faubus- Governor of Kansas, he sent the Natl. Guard in at Central High School in Little Rock to stop African American students from enrolling after Brown V Board of Education.
Rosa Parks- Sat on the Front of the Bus, wouldn’t move, got arrested, started the Montgomery Bus Boycott, won in an Earl Warren decision.
MLK Jr.- First came to prominence when he led the Montgomery Bus Boycott, founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference(a collection of southern black churches that led the civil rights movement), he also led lots of other major protests, he is now known as the civil rights figure of the 1960’s.
Voting Rights Act of 1957- Eisenhower signed the bill. It provided protection of black voting rights, sent federal referees to monitor polling places, encourage votes, and try to eliminate the obstacles of voting(poll tax, intimidation, etc).
Sit-Ins- First one was at a Woolworth's in Greensboro, NC. Several college students were refused service and would not leave until they were served. This was a very effective way of non-violent protests and shutting down segregation. This becam very popular and spawned “wade-ins”, and other ”ins”.
Residential Segregation- This happened when whites moved to the suburbs and left the African Americans in the downtown area. African Americans could not move to the Suburbs due to monetary or racial issues(the Realtor didn’t have a home at the time). The inner city area lost their tax base and began an urban decline where most residents are in extreme poverty and have bad schools.
Effects of the T.V.- It homogenized the U.S.(blended culture, dialects, and gave the same info the everyone(TV News)). It also gave an edge to the politicians that were eloquent and classy in their appearance. Gave the civil rights movement a national stage.
The Paperback- Revolutionized literature, this made books available to the extreme masses, you could get books almost anywhere. This made quick selling romance novel possible.
J.D. Salinger- Catcher in the Rye, this symbolized the youth movement of the 50’s, he criticized the need of conformity in that society society.
Chuck Berry- a guitarist, singer, and songwriter, and considered one of the pioneers of rock and roll music.
Ray Charles- A Rock and Roll/Soul star. He was blind, and played piano vey well.
John Foster Dulles- Eisenhower’s Secretary of State, he thought the containment policy was to easy on the communists, extended containment policy from Europe to the rest of the world. He was very hard of the Chinese for invading Taiwan’s islands.
Ho Chi Minh- Leader of the anti-French and Communist forces of Vietnam(North).
SEATO- South East Asia Treaty Organization, much like NATO but proved to be less effective and powerful.
Brinkmanship- he practice of pushing dangerous events to the verge of disaster in order to achieve the most advantageous outcome. Seen mainlu in USSR VS the US in the cold war.
Khrushchev- The Soviet Premier after Stalin died. He condemned the “Crimes of Stalin”, and opened up more to the west.
Nasser- President of Egypt, seized the Suez Canal, played both sides for air(Soviets, and Nato). Almost went to war with Britain and France over the Suez crisis, but when the US would back them for fear of the soviets’ involvement they backed out.
Sputnik- The first satellite launched into space. This was done by the Russians. Sparked a massive push in math and science in the US to try to catch up with them.
U2 Spy incident- the soviets shot down a plane with an american spy in it over t russia day before Khrushchev and Eisenhower were to meet in Paris for an arms limitations conference. When this happened the Soviets backed out immediately and said that america didn’t trust the soviets.
Sherman Adams- Eisenhower’s Chief of Staff, involved in a scandal in Ike’s second term. He received an expensive coat from someone who was under investigation. A blemish on Eisenhower’s presidency.
Richard Nixon- Checkers Speech, Ike’s VP, he came to be known by investigating Communists on HUAC and Alger Hiss.
Cultural Developments of the 50’s- The strong counter culture movement began in the “young people”. This counter culture was fueled by the expendable income of their parent, the freedom that the highway and cars brought, and the ever growing popularity of Rock and Roll, which personified the angst and rebelliousness of the generation.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The 20's Lecture Test

1. Charles Lindbergh- First pilot to cross the Atlantic, US Hero, son was kidnapped, lindbergh law
2. Al Jolson- an American singer, comedian and actor. In his heyday, he was dubbed "The World's Greatest Entertainer".He was born in Russia (now Lithuania) and emigrated to America at the age of five with his Jewish parents. The Jazz Singer
3. Demobilization- Brought 4 mil. Soldiers home “overnight”, no jobs or retirement available, $60 and a rail ticket to get home,
4. Labor Strikes- Boston Police Strike- Strike was broken by Coolidge, sent national guard to protect city,
- Steel Strike- William Foster, not “bread and Butter”, radical “red” fueled strike
- Coal Strike- Violent, United Mine Workers, John L. Lewis, Moderate
5. The Red Scare- US feared a communist revolution or “red” because of Russia, prompted anti-immigration of eastern europe, deportation of radical commies, revived KKK, Sacco & Vanzetti
6. A.M. Palmer- Attorney General for Wilson, Socialist, believed he was supposed to revolutionize the US under Communism, and unite the working class.
7. Sacco and Vanzetti- Two communists that murdered someone, put on trial w/ supreme court, made to look like a persecution of communism instead of a murder trial. They were both hanged. Gave the “cause” a martyr.
8. Marcus Garvey- UNIA(United Negro Improvement Association), Black separationist, though African americans should only interact with other AA, anti-integration, paved way for the nation of islam mvt, deported to liberia for tax evasion
9. Andrew Mellon- Sec. of Treasury under harding and Coolidge, invented supply side economics, tax down revenue up, brought down national debt considerably,
10. Teapot Dome- Emergency Oil reserve for the Navy, rented out by Sec of Interior to private company illegally.
11. Albert Fall- Sec of Interior under harding, rented out Teapot Dome to company, received large bribed, tried and jailed
12. H.L Mencken- American Mercury, Ridiculed American Life, wrote for a superior European lifestyle, symbolized the young generation in america
13. Al Smith-New Yorker that was the Democratic nominee for 1928, radio was a big part of his loss because he spoke with a very heavy new york accent, south for the first time did not vote all Dem,. also not voted for because he was a catholic, anti prohibition, irish,
14. Speakeasies- Underground illegal bars, were created for the sale of liquor during prohibition in large cities that liked to drink, symbolizes underground and party time of the 20’s
15. Flappers- Modern women of the time that liked to push the hem of their skirt up. Smoked in public, shirt skirts, lipstick, “sexy”, partied, ignored victorian traditions and etiquette
16. Al Capone- The most famous gang boss EVER, led the chicago bootlegger and smuggling business during the prohibition period in the 20’s
17. 21st Amendment- Repealed prohibition on Dec. 5 1933
18. Hiram Evans- Revived the KKK in the 20’s, became the Imperial Wizard
19. Sinclair Lewis- Critic of America- “main-street” criticized small town and middle america, “dodsworth” attacked business class, “the babbit” criticized middle class values, “Elmer Gantry” criticized big religion.
20. Ernest Hemingway- His characters became the models of 20’s rebellion, “A Farewell to Arms”- expressed discontent and anger for WW1, “The Sun Also Rises”
21. F. Scott Fitzgerald-”The Great Gatsby”, satired american material success, This side of Paradise- explored youth of the time, Coined the term”The Jazz Age”
22. Harriet Monroe-”poetry”- a magazine about poetry, had dark, critical articles in it about US
23. The Harlem Renaissance- A rise in Black culture in Harlem, NYC. Black Intellectuals, Novelists, Poets, and artists went back to their heritage and connected with their african roots, took african names, culture, clothes
24. Alain Locke- “The New Negro”, wanted African Americans to “Be Proud” of their heritage, dont conform or give in the white culture, reconnect
25. Ohio Gang- The advisors and friends that Harding took with him to D.C.- very corrupt and not good administrators, Harding once stated”It;s my friends that are keeping me up at night”
26. Rudolph Valentino- Silent Screen Romantic Latin Star
27. K.D.K.A- The first commercial radio station on the US, out of Pittsburg, carried election results of the 1920 pres election
28. Piggly Wiggly-Piggly Wiggly was the first true self-service grocery store. revolutionized home cooking and gave tremendous leisure time because you did not have to go and get food from the field etc.
29. John Scopes- which a high school biology teacher John Scopes was accused of violating the state's Butler Act that made it unlawful to teach evolution. Scopes was found guilty, but the verdict was overturned on a technicality and he was never brought back to trial. The trial drew intense national publicity, as national reporters flocked to the small town of Dayton, to cover the big-name lawyers representing each side. William Jennings Bryan, three time presidential candidate for the Democrats, argued for the prosecution
30. Jazz-Music of the 20’s, created by African American southerners but made famous by withe northerners, heavily influenced by slave music and african traditional, became the first commercially successful and advertised music in the Country.
31. George Gershwin- Composer of Big Band Jazz, Rhapsody in Blue, very popular, influences music even today, died young
32. D.W. Griffith-Kentuckian, First Famous holly wood director, The Birth of a Nation,
33. Lon Chaney-Silent Film Actor, Phantom of the Opera, Horror Films
34. Louis Armstrong- Famous Jazz Trumpeter
35. Charlie Chaplin- Actor and Musician, Comedy Silent Films, British
36. Douglas Fairbanks- Action/Adventure Silent screen star, Thief of Baghdad, Wife- Mary Pickford
37. Gertrude Ederle- 1st person successfully swam the English Cannel
38. Clara Bow- The first “It” girl of Hollywood, 20’s
39. Immigration Policy- National Origins Act, Limited immigration of the “lesser” eastern Europeans and favored the more “American” western Europeans, In general- americans did not want anymore immigrants cramming the US up.
40. Eugene O’Neil- 1st American Playwright to win a nobel Prize in Literature, Freudian, “A Strange Interlude”, “Anna Christie”
41. Effects of the Automobile- Young people started straying from the home and exploring their sexual urges, the focus shifted from the family to freedom, more parts of the country were available for visiting(Beach), america started to “grow” for people who had once been stuck in the same place.
42. Radio- Patented by Edison, KDKA, brought the family back home to the fireside to listen to programming, homogenized american dialect, HUGE pop culture impact(Jazz),Allowed america to hear their president
43. Installment Buying- more and more people started buying high dollar items by paments for a period of time, this caused an artificial bubble the eventually popped, When the market crashed companies were not getting the money from the customers who had lost everything and then the companies began to close down
44. Psychology-the new science of the 20’s, Sigmund Freud “explained” that unhappiness and disease was caused by pent up sexual energy that “must be released”, people of the age did that. Seen as more or less unfounded and a crock.
45. Foreign Policy- Americans wanted out of the business of “over there”, most people wanted an isolationist policy- as did the presidents of the time. America had very little involvement in europe(other than trade which was diminishing.) the US did have a presence in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and other Caribbean nations for the most part of the decade
46. Margret Sanger- Championed contraception and planning of birth, eugenic ideas
47. Red Grange- a college and professional American football halfback for the University of Illinois, the Chicago Bears, and for the short-lived New York Yankees. His signing with the Bears helped legitimize the National Football League.
48. Babe Ruth- an American Major League baseball player from 1914–1935. Ruth originally broke into the major leagues with the Boston Red Sox as a starting pitcher, but after he was sold to the New York Yankees in 1919, he converted to a full-time right fielder and subsequently became one of the league's most prolific hitters. Made baseball the Great American Pastime, and popularized it greatly.
49. Fredrick Taylor- Production, Management, and Techniques researcher, greatly increased efficiency and production of American factories.
50. Bruce Barton- “The Man Nobody Knows”, explained successful advertising in comparison with Jesus’s teachings.
51. Fordney-McCumber Tariff- Raised American tariffs to other countries to protect American Industry- such as factories and farms against low prices. Congress displayed a pro-business attitude with this by also promoting foreign trade by offering huge loans to Europe who in turn would pay back the loan and buy more american goods.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Final Guide

Missouri Compromise: Proposed by Henry Clay in 1820, it stated that Missouri would enter as a slave state, while Maine would enter as a free state. 36-30 line established, which banned slavery anywhere above this line in the territories. It was a Compromise to protect the balance of free & slave state members.
9. Kansas-Nebraska Bil: It gave birth to the opposition of slavery. It stated the territories would be determined by pop. sov., which repealed the Missouri Compromise.
6. Compromise of 1850: Proposed mainly by Henry Clay. Stated that Cali. would enter the Union as a free state. Also, the rest of the territory won from Mexico would be left up to popular sovereignty. It prohibited slave trade in D.C., and established a stricter Fugitive Slave Law.
Sacking of Lawrence- In the spring of 1856, the Sacking of Lawrence helped ratchet up the guerrilla war in Kansas Territory that became known as Bleeding Kansas.
John C. Fremont: 1st Republican candidate. A loser. 1856.
19. Constitutional Union Party: Formed in 1860-wanted compromise on the idea of slavery, but it was too late for that. Candidate: John Bell
33. Fire-eaters: Wanted separate Southern civilization. Secession and expansion of slavery, <3. They wanted slavery in Mexico and the Caribbean. Slavery here, there, everywhere.
39. Doughface: Northern man with Southern principles, who supported slavery. (ex. Buchanan)
J.E.B. Stuart- He was a Confederate general who was widely known for his defeat at Gettysburg. He was separated from Lee, which led to confusion and ultimately their loss. He also attacked McClellan on the Peninsula campaign. He took over for Stonewall Jackson at the Battle of Chancellorsville.
Stonewall Jackson- He first becomes famous at the 1st Battle of Bull Run. His forces appear like they are losing but his regiment stands like a wall and defeat the Union. He is also famous for his success in the Shenandoah Valley, 2nd Battle of Bull Run, Antietam, and many other battles. He is killed at Chancellorsville by his own troops.
Gettysburg- This was the third in a series of battles of Lee to invade the North and overtake the Union. Here he lost to the Union because of a lucky guess by the Union army. They guessed that he was going to attack there center so they reinforced it. This was the beginning of the end of the battle. The Union won, and this was a major battle for them.
Vicksburg- During this battle the Union general was General Grant, and he beat the Confederacy in the West, with this victory and the victory of Gettysburg this was the turning point of the war. This and Gettysburg were major battles for the Confederacy.
Petersburg- There was a series of battles from late 1864 till mid 1865 around Petersburg, Virginia. These were the last battles, and the Siege of Petersburg was during the event when the surrender was forced upon General Lee.
Andersonville- Found in Georgia it is a site of a prisoner of war camp during the war, which just means that it held hostages.
This was a major battle in the Western theatre. It was fought between Johnston for the Confederates and Grant for the Union. The Confederates launched a surprise attack on Grant, and they were winning the first day, but they lost on the second day, and the Union won the battle.
Western War- Gave the Union army it;s first big breaks in the war, led by Grant until his promotion, then led by sherman.
Copperheads- They opposed the war through attacks against the draft, Lincoln, and emancipation.
Lincoln's Reconstruction Plan: 10% Plan-"Charity towards all, malice towards none". Once 10% of citizens in one of the 5 military districts of the South pledged allegiance to the Union, troops were withdrawn and reconstruction was done there.
Radicals: Led by Thaddeus Stevens-supported strict reconstruction-advocates of the Wade-Davis Bill. They believed the states had committed "suicide"-and HAD separated from the Union and were therefore "conquered provinces".
Johnson- Lincoln’s VP, took over reconstruction,Agreed with Lincoln on 10% Plan. Also disenfranchised many leading former Confederates and forced districts to ratify the 13th Amendment.
Reconstruction Acts of 1867-68/Tenure of Office Act- Creation of five military districts in the seceded states not including Tennessee, which had ratified the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and was readmitted to the Union. Requiring congressional approval for new state constitutions (which were required for Confederate states to rejoin the Union). Confederate states give voting rights to all men. All former Confederate states must ratify the 13th Amendment. Congress also passed the tenure of office act stating that a accidental president can not remove the previous president’s cabinet members without congressional approval. This was put in place to give a “legal reason to impeach Johnson over the firing of Sec. of War Stanton
Scalawags- Pro-union southerners that aided in reconstruction and that were corporative. Though of as traitors by non loyal white southerners.

17.Carpetbaggers-Northerner(soldiers, business men, etc) who moved to the south to find jobs and get financial benefit from the south’s reconstruction. Hated by white southerners. Moved with belongings wrapped in carpet
19.Knights of the white Camelia/KKK-The Knights of the White Camellia was a secret group opposing the carpetbaggers in the U.S. Southern states during the Reconstruction era and beyond. Like most of such groups, it was founded by a Confederate veteran, as veterans represented most of southern white men. It was similar to and associated with the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), as it supported white supremacy and was opposed to Republican government. However, unlike the Klan, which drew much of its membership from lower-class southerners (primarily Confederate veterans), the White Camellia consisted mainly of southerners who were or had been from higher classes. KKK was also a intimidation group. Made of mostly confed vets and other racist southerners
5. 13th Amendment: Freed slaves

6. 14th Amendment: Provided citizenship to freedmen

15th Amendment: Provide all males suffrage
1.Plessey V Ferguson-landmark United States Supreme Court decision in the jurisprudence of the United States, upholding the constitutionality of state laws requiring racial segregation in private businesses (particularly railroads), under the doctrine of "separate but equal".
The Mugwumps were Republican political activists who bolted from the United States Republican Party by supporting Democratic candidate Grover Cleveland in the United States presidential election of 1884. They switched parties because they rejected the financial corruption associated with Republican candidate James G. Blaine.
Beliefs of Carnegie- Gospel of Weath, thought that the fortune of others should be put to use and help the less fortunate.
Wall Street- Stock exchange, where the first millionaires were made.
Morgan- Millionaire, Banker
Rockefeller- Standard oil company, Horizontal integration, raises prices, bad monopoly
Horace Greely- Ran against Grant, liberal republican, beaten badly
Herbert Spencer- developed an all-embracing conception of evolution as the progressive development of the physical world, biological organisms, the human mind, and human culture and societies.
Homestead Act- one of three United States federal laws that gave an applicant freehold title to up to 160 acres (65 hectares or one-fourth section) of undeveloped federal land west of the Mississippi River. The law required three steps: file an application, improve the land, and file for deed of title.
Charles Guiteau- assassinated U.S. President James A. Garfield on July 2, 1881
Industries of Rev.- Steel, Railroad, Oil, etc
AFL- Large union org., Bread and Butter, effective, skilled only
Knight of Labor- unskilled.skilled,very successful until haymarket square, largest union org of the time, Terance Powderly
Cyrus Field- was an American businessman and financier who, along with other entrepreneurs, created the Atlantic Telegraph Company and laid the first telegraph cable across the Atlantic Ocean in 1858.
Washington Roebling-was an American civil engineer best known for his work on the Brooklyn Bridge, which was initially designed by his father John A. Roebling.
Fredrick Law Olmsted-Olmsted was famous for co-designing many well-known urban parks with his senior partner, Calvert Vaux, including Central Park and Prospect Park in New York City.
Department Stores-Marcy’s-NY, Marshall Fields- Chicago, Wannamarkers- Philly
Mining Towns- These towns sprang up overnight from the miners swarming into find gold, some are still major towns, but most have dwindled down to nothing.
Last Chance Gulge- Helena, Montanna
Pike’s Peak- Denver, Colorado
Buffalo Bill- A icon of the American west, he did “west themed variety shows”, contributed to the romanticized view of the the hard west. Befriended Indians.
Apache- War indians of the South West, led by Geronimo
Ghost Dance- Founded by Wovoca, Not taken well by US: Goal of the dance was
1. White man Gone
2.Return of the Buffalo
3.Dead warriors would rise up and rejoin the tripe to fight
Cowboy attire- Chaps, boots with spurs, 10 gallon/ cowboy hats. this attire was to adapt and live more easily on cattle drives and in the open plains.
Transcontinental Railroad- Linked the US from N to S and E to W.
Great Northern-James Hill, St. Paul to Seattle
Central Pacific KS to Promontory Point
Northern Pacific- Chicago to L.A
Reason for Homestead Failure-Not enough rain, didnt have tools for the enviro., gave up
George A. Custer- Civil war officer turned indian fighter, custer’s last stand(Little Big Horn)-killed there, most famous oops in the indian wars
Chief Joseph- Nez Perce Indian Chief, peaceful tribe until their land was beginning to be forcefully taken from them, led his entire tribe on a goose chase against the government that lasted apx. 4 months, finally surrendered and move to reservations, said “I wll fight no more forever”
Sitting Bull- The Religious, and war leader of the Sioux Indian Tribe, Toured with buffalo bill, seen as a more american indian than his other sioux chiefs(Crazy horse), he did sign treaties and negotiate with the army.
Jim Thorpe- Indian that went to the Carlisle school to be “saved, or americanized”. One of the greatest athletes of the 20th century.
Helen Hunt Jackson- “A Century of Dishonor”, a book that showed the horror and dishonor of the way the american government, and people treated the indians.
Frederick Jackson Turner- “The Significance of the Frontier in American History”, wrote book that illustrates the importance of the “scape-goat” way of thinking the west offered Americans up until the time of complete western settlement.
Longhorns- Texas breed of cow, the cow that was mainly in the cattle drives from texas to cow town so they could be transported to the east. very lean, Mr. Peck says this cow is not that good to eat.
39.Chisholm Trail- 1st and largest cattle trail in the west. Went from TX to Abilene, KS. Founded by Joseph McCoy.
Abilene- 1st cow town, made by Joseph McCoy, provided as a rail stop to transport cattle back east. Eventually banned cows and cowboys for their unsightliness
Grange-Farmer organization that provided social activities in the west, tried to influence politics,
Farmer Problems- Not enough money, wanted more greenbacks and inflation, chronically in debt, not enough buyers,cartels worked against them
Peoples party- populists, movement of the people, wanted inflation and a silver and gold standard, merged with the dems, not that effective, diesd down after the panic ended.
panic of 1893- not eough money in circulation, called for more green back in circulation
Mark Hanna- an American industrialist and Republican politician from Cleveland, Ohio. He rose to fame as the campaign manager of the successful Republican Presidential candidate, William McKinley, in the U.S. Presidential election of 1896 in a well-funded political campaign and subsequently became one of the most powerful members of the U.S. Senate.
Dwight Moody- Urban Revivalism
Linotype-line casting" machine used in printing. The name of the machine comes from the fact that it produces an entire line of metal type at once,a significant improvement over manual typesetting.
Nelly Bly-first woman journalist, hired by Pulitzer
Johns Hopkins- was a wealthy entrepreneur, philanthropist, and abolitionist of 19th century Baltimore, now most noted for his philanthropic creation of the institutions that bear his name, namely the Johns Hopkins Hospital, and the Johns Hopkins University and its associated divisions, in particular the schools of nursing, medicine, and public health.
Alfred T Mahan: "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History"
Poncho Villa: Fought alongside Hueta in favor of Madeo-bandit
Zapata: Leading figured in Mexican rebellion
Pershing: Battle of San Juan Hill
Bunau Varilla: French engineer-Panama
Aguinaldo: Philippine that fought with US against Spain
Teller Amendment: States that the US would not interfere with Cuba
Platt Amendment: Gave US control of Cuba and gave them military territories (GITMO)

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Central Powers- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria. “The Bad Guys”
Allied Powers- Russia, France, United Kingdom, United States, Italy, Belgium, Serbia, Greece, Portugal. “The Good Guys”
Morgan Loans- Private loans by J.P. Morgan Jr. to Russia and France during WW1.
U-Boats- Germany’s submarines. Very dangerous boats that patrolled and blockaded the British Isles. Sunk many US ships(merchant and luxury), also sunk british liners like the Lusitania. A big reason the Us entered the War.
Lusitania- British cruise ship with Americans on board. Germans though it was carrying ammunition and weapons, so U-Boats sank it. Killed over 1,000 civilians including appx 100 americans.
German Pledges- *Sussex- Passenger ships would not be targeted;Merchant ships would not be sunk until the presence of weapons had been established, if necessary by a search of the ship;Merchant ships would not be sunk without provision for the safety of passengers and crew. *Arabic-Would only sink ships if they didn’t evade and stated that Germany would warn non-military ships 30 minutes before they sank them to make sure the passengers and crew got out safely.
Gore- Mclemore Resolution- The Gore-McLemore Resolution would've made it illegal for Americans to travel on ships with contraband, but was never enacted
Peace Without Victory- Wilson’s saying that promoted an armistice between the Central and Allied powers, bad idea, after 4 years of war allies said “screw that”. Would not have allowed territorial gain or an official defeat of the Central powers.
Zimmerman Telegraph- From German Empire to Mexico. Intercepted by UK, said that germany would back Mexico if they would attack The us for the gain of the lost territories(TX, NM, AZ). US declared war soon after this was publish in US papers. Germany wanted the US preoccupied with a war other that the Great European war.
John J. ”Black Jack” Pershing- Following the U.S. declaration of war against Germany in 1917, Pershing - now a General - was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF). Pershing personally led the successful Meuse-Argonne offensive of 1918.
Herbert Hoover- Appointed by Wilson to be the director of the Food Administration during the war. The lead of Belgian relief effort. Civilian, promoted volunteer efforts for the war(Meatless mondays, Wheat less Wednesdays, Victory gardens, etc,) to increase the amount of food available to be sent to the american front. Resulted in never having to ration american food supplies in the war.
Committee on Public Information(CPI)- Promoted war though anti kaiser,german,etc movies, posters and brochures. Headed by George Creel. Propaganda. Led to passing of the Espionage and Sedition acts. Helped mobilized economy(freedom loans, donations, etc)
George Creel- Led the CPI. Responsible for major support of the war.
Espionage Act-Fined or put people in jail for spying, obstructing the draft, or actively working against the war effort.
Trading with the Enemy Act- forbid trade with the allies of Germany, also limited inter county communication. Used for trying to “starve the enemy” of knowledge and supplies.
Sedition Act- Made anti-war remarks and actions punishable by law, Eugene Debs and other socialists were jailed due to this.
US V Schenck-decision that upheld the Espionage Act and concluded that a defendant did not have a 1st amed. right to Freedom of speech against the draft during during WW1 Ultimately, the case established the clear and present danger test.
AEF- American expeditionary force, were the US armed forces sent to Europe in World War I. During WWI the AEF fought in France alongside British and French allied forces in the last year of the war, against Central Powers. The AEF helped the French Army on the western front. Also fought in American battles (belleau wood, argone, etc)
369th Regiment- Black regiment that fought under french command, one of the first groups to brach the western front, extremely decorated, no one ever surrender in the group.
Needham Roberts and Henry Johnson- Black soldiers that were given france’s highest military honor, fought in the 369th?.
Leon Trotsky-Exposed the secret treaties of the allies(UK, Russia, Italy, France) Said they they wanted territorial gains from the war. Led to one of Wilson’s 14 points.
Bolsheviks- Russian communist party, yelled peach, bread, and land, hijacked the democratic russian revolution
The Secret Treaties- a treaty between nations that is not revealed to other nations or interested observers. An example would be a secret alliance between two nations to support each other in the event of war. The opposing nations would be unaware of the treaty and therefore unable to add it to their calculations, which could obviously result in a difficult situation for the party that declared war when they are suddenly confronted with the troops of two or even three nations. Secret treaties were common before the WW1, and many blamed them for helping spark that conflict. When Italy entered the war, they signed a secret treaty in order to eventually gain land from Austria after the war. Russia, UK, and France signed secret treaties to also gain land after the war.
Wilson’s 14 Points- 1-5-Freedom of the Seas, Free Trade, Open Treaties, Openness. Reduction of Arms, No wars for Empire
6-13-All were about Self-determination, let the natives choose who governs them
14- The League of Nations would be formed to attain lasting peace and Freedom.
League of Nations- Wilson’s 14th point, meant to create lasting world peace, every nation would be a member, to prevent war, and protest the best interests of all people. The US never joined due to issues in Congress. The League was abandoned and led to the Creation of the United Nations.
The Big Four- The four most powerful and prominent Allied powers at the mediation of the Treaty of Versailles. The United Kingdom, The United States, France, and Italy.
The Versailles Treaty- The treaty that ended WW1, Not much territorial gain, stripped the Kaiser of his power, did not secure a german defeat, left the door open for WW2.
The Mandate system- a legal status for certain territories transferred from the control of one country to another following WW1, or the legal instruments that contained the internationally agreed-upon terms for administering the territory on behalf of the League. These were of the nature of both a treaty and constitution which contained minorities right clauses that provided for the right of petition and adjudication by the International Court.
Article 10-

30.Causes of War- Franz Ferdinand being assassinated, Russia wanted to protect the slovs, Germany is stupid, France wanted to regain their territory, etc
Key battles- Marne 1- Happened because the Schifflen plan was not followed. Happened miles from Paris, France drove Germany back, Race to the Sea began, trenches we beginning to be built.
Battle of Ypres 2- 1st time chemical warfare was used, british colonials were killed by chlorine gas
Verdun-No purpose, Feb-Dec 1916,1 million casualties, no lines changed,
Somme-to take pressure off verdun, June- Dec 1916, 1.2 million casualties,
Jutlan-Germany V British navies, largest naval battle in history, no clear victor, Germany retreats
Brusilovi- Eastern front, russia breaks into germany, hundreds of thousands surrender
3rd Ypres- Passiondale, took 1 year to make ammo for 10 days of artillery barrage,
Cambry-France used tanks, germans counter attacked with infultration. Germans surrendered massively to france
St. Migele- 1st all american offensive
Battle of Argonne Forest- Last and bigggest, and bloodiest american battle

Monday, January 31, 2011


The title reflects my opinions of this lecture test. Disregard.

Sewards Folly: Purchase of Alaska-$7.2 million-"meant we would eventually claim Canada" LOL

Ateutian Islands: Obtained with the aforementioned purchase...they are islands.

Reprocity Treaty of 1875: gave US free access to market of sugar grown in Hawaii-in return, US gained land (Pearl Harbor)

Pago Pago: US port in America Samoa

The Large Policy: A political philosophy to expand in order to gain territory and trade with the East, and to spread the US's influence. Added ports for US ships abroad.

Reasons for keeping the Philippines:
1. Giving them back to Spain would be "cowardly and dishonorable"
2. Protecting them from imperialistic countries could expand the US markets

Tydings McDuffie: Miller Tydings and John McDuffie authored the Act. It was not accepted by the Philippines because of the threat of Japanese invasion during WWII

Puerto Rico: Ceded to the US in the Treaty of Paris-1898

Russo-Japanese War: Fought over expansion into Manchuria, Japan dominated Russia

Treaty of Porsmouth: Treaty created by TR that ended the Russo-Japanese War

Sites for canal: Nicaragua and Panama

Hay-Herran Treaty: 10 million down, 99 year lease, 1/4 a million a year all to Panama for the use of the isthmus of land to be the canal

USS Nashville: Captured Spanish ships in the Spanish-American War off the coast of Cuba-also did service in Manila Bay

USS Oregon: Sailed around South America in order to aide the Spanish-American War

Veracruz Landing: The siege of Veracruz was the 1st US large-scale amphibious assault during the Mexican-American War

Monroe Doctrine: Tool used by US to keep Europe out of the Western Hempisphere

Admiral Dewey: Known for the Battle of Manila Bay

Imperialism: Espansion of a country of state's ideas by means of domination

White Man's Burden: Rudyard Kipling quote referring to the "white man's" responsibility to spread democracy...influence...culture

Alfred T Mahan: "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History"

Jingoism: Isolationist foreign policy

New York World/Journal: Hearst and Pulitzer, Yellow Journalism, "started" Spanish-American War

USS Maine: Battleship in Havana Harbor during Cuban revolt...was either sabotaged or sank

Teller Amendment: States that the US would not interfere with Cuba

Treaty of Paris (1898): Ended Spanish-American War

Platt Amendment: Gave US control of Cuba and gave them military territories (GITMO)

Rough Riders: TR's band of fighters-famous for San Juan Hill battle

Open-Door Policy: Stated that the US would recognize any colonies made in China

Boxer Rebellion: Martial arts violent revolt against outside influence in China

Roosevelt Corollary: Added to the Monroe Doctrine-stated the US would intervene on behalf of Europe in order to collect taxes

Dollar Diplomacy: Policy advocated by Taft..private investors should invest in foreign markets

Poncho Villa: Fought alongside Hueta in favor of Madeo-bandit

Aguinaldo: Philippine that fought with US against Spain

Josiah Strong: Founders of the social gospel

John Hay: Negotiated Treaty of Paris and Open Door Policy

Bunau Varilla: French engineer-Panama

Walter Reed: Identified mosquito problem in Panama

Goethals: Engineer of Panama canal

Gorgas: Fixed mosquito problem

Zapata: Leading figured in Mexican rebellion

Proctor: Senator of Vermont-went to Cuba

Pershing: Battle of San Juan Hill

Queen Lili: Queen of Hawaii

Commodore Perry: Father of Steam Navy

Taft: Selected by TR for Presidency, Dollar Diplomacy, Big Fella

In dedication to SAM.